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York Trivia


  1. After being convicted of horse theft, who was sent to the gallows in York in 1739?
  2. Famous for its overhanging timber-framed buildings, what is the name of the oldest street in York?
  3. One of the finest medieval buildings in Europe, what is the commonly known name for the Cathedral and Metropolitical Church of Saint Peter in York?
  4. A 1970s billboard at York railway station had the words "Welcome to" and a picture of a half unwrapped what?
  5. What ancient Roman name was York known by?
  6. The NRM is a museum forming part of the Science Museum Group. What does the acronym NRM stand for?
  7. The River Foss converges with which main river in York?
  8. Name the famous medieval guildhall in the Aldwark area of the city?
  9. Who was born on the 13 April, 1570, in Stonegate, which is still a street in the city centre of York?
  10. Name the museum and visitor attraction centre depicting Viking life?
  11. Which chocolate and confectionery brand was founded in 1767 in York?
  12. Which four-day racing festival is held at York Racecourse each August?
  13. Which famous actress was born in the Heworth area of York on 9 December 1934?
  14. What was hosted in York on the 6 July, 2014?
  15. Which York born poet is known for his "Funeral Blues" and "Night Mail"?
  16. What name is given to the largest surviving structure of York Castle?


  1. Dick Turpin
  2. The Shambles
  3. York Minster
  4. Yorkie bar
  5. Eboracum
  6. National Railway Museum
  7. River Ouse
  8. The Merchant Taylors' Hall
  9. Guy Fawkes
  10. The Jorvik Viking Centre
  11. Terry's
  12. The Ebor Festival
  13. Judi Dench
  14. Tour de France
  15. W.H. Auden
  16. Clifford's Tower