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Suffragettes Quiz: Test Your Knowledge on Pioneers of Women's Rights

Quiz Questions

  1. Who founded the Suffragette movement in 1903?
  2. Which famous Suffragette died after stepping in front of King George V’s horse at the Epsom Derby in 1913?
  3. In what year did women over the age of 30 gain the right to vote in the UK?
  4. What was the primary three-word slogan of the Suffragettes?
  5. What Act, passed in 1913, allowed authorities to release suffragettes from prison temporarily if their health deteriorated due to hunger strikes?
  6. Which suffragist leader's statue, created by Gillian Wearing, was installed in Parliament Square in 2018?
  7. In which decade did women in the UK achieve equal voting rights with men?
  8. During the January 1910 general election campaign, which Prime Minister promised to introduce a measure of women’s suffrage?
  9. Which politician became the first woman to be seated as a Member of Parliament in 1919?
  10. The Suffragette movement, first known as the Women's Social and Political Union, was founded in which city?
  11. The Suffragettes attached a small bomb to what chair in 1914?


  1. Emmeline Pankhurst
  2. Emily Davison
  3. 1918
  4. Deeds, not words.
  5. The Cat and Mouse Act (Prisoners Temporary Discharge for Ill-Health Act 1913)
  6. Millicent Fawcett
  7. 1920s (1928)
  8. H. H. Asquith
  9. Nancy Astor
  10. Manchester
  11. Coronation chair