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Trivia and facts to learn about the British satirical and current affairs news magazine, Private Eye.


  1. Reportedly the most-sued man in English legal history, who has edited the magazine since 1986?
  2. How often is the magazine published?
  3. Piers Morgan has been given the nickname "Piers" what?
  4. Who is often referred to as Brenda?

  5. Which entrepreneur is referred to by the name "Beardie"?
  6. Which British city is often referred to as "Skidrow-on-Sea" in the "Rotten Boroughs" column?
  7. What nickname for The Guardian newspaper was created by Private Eye?
  8. Who was Private Eye's editor talking about after being sued and losing when he said: "I've just given a fat cheque to a fat Czech"?
  9. Which school magazine published at Shrewsbury School in the mid-1950s was the forerunner of Private Eye?
  10. Which suburban area in northwest London starting with the letter 'N' is often used as a typical example of a suburban environment in pieces parodying current events?


  1. Ian Hislop
  2. Fortnightly (every 14 days)
  3. Moron (Piers Moron)
  4. Queen Elizabeth II
  5. Richard Branson
  6. Brighton and Hove
  7. The Grauniad
  8. Robert Maxwell

  9. The Salopian
  10. Neasden

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