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Horror Novels Quiz

Books: Name the Authors

  1. Dracula
  2. Frankenstein
  3. The Shining
  4. The Exorcist

  5. Rosemary's Baby
  6. Interview with the Vampire
  7. 'Salem's Lot
  8. Bird Box
  9. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
  10. The Amityville Horror
  11. Rebecca
  12. Carrie
  13. Ghost Story
  14. I Am Legend
  15. Flowers in the Attic
  16. The Silence of the Lambs
  17. Pet Sematary
  18. At the Mountains of Madness
  19. The Haunting of Hill House
  20. The Rats
  21. The Tell-Tale Heart

Novels: Authors

  1. Dracula (1897) - Bram Stoker
  2. Frankenstein (1818) - Mary Shelley
  3. The Shining (1977) - Stephen King
  4. The Exorcist (1971) - William Peter Blatty
  5. Rosemary's Baby (1967) - Ira Levin
  6. Interview with the Vampire (1976) - Anne Rice
  7. 'Salem's Lot (1975) - Stephen King
  8. Bird Box (2014) - Josh Malerman
  9. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1886) - Robert Louis Stevenson
  10. The Amityville Horror (1977) - Jay Anson
  11. Rebecca (1938) - Daphne du Maurier
  12. Carrie (1974) - Stephen King
  13. Ghost Story (1979) - Peter Straub
  14. I Am Legend (1954) - Richard Matheson
  15. Flowers in the Attic (1979) - V. C. Andrews
  16. The Silence of the Lambs (1988) - Thomas Harris
  17. Pet Sematary (1983) - Stephen King
  18. At the Mountains of Madness (1931) - H.P. Lovecraft
  19. The Haunting of Hill House (1959) - Shirley Jackson
  20. The Rats (1974) - James Herbert
  21. The Tell-Tale Heart (1843) - Edgar Allan Poe