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British Overseas Territory Quiz

Test Your Knowledge of British Overseas Territories

  1. Which British Overseas Territory in the Caribbean begins with the letter 'A'?
  2. Where is Margaret Thatcher Day celebrated on 10 January?
  3. The Soufriere Hills volcano erupted for the first time in centuries on which island in the 1990s?
  4. Which British Overseas Territory can be abbreviated as TCI?
  5. First settled by the English Virginia Company in 1609, which British Overseas Territory is the oldest?
  6. Which island in the South Atlantic Ocean is a British Overseas Territory together with the South Sandwich Islands?
  7. Which territory, with George Town as its capital, is a major global financial hub with more registered businesses than people?
  8. Which island's population is mostly descended from nine Bounty mutineers?
  9. Which island is part of the same British Overseas Territory as Ascension Island and Tristan da Cunha?
  10. Edinburgh of the Seven Seas is the capital of which island?
  11. Which British Overseas Territory is closest to the United Kingdom?
  12. Diego Garcia is an island in which ocean?
  13. The Sovereign Base Areas of Akrotiri and Dhekelia are on which island?
  14. Which island was used extensively as a staging point by the British military during the Falklands War?
  15. Owned by Sir Richard Branson, Necker Island is part of which British Overseas Territory?
  16. Which British Overseas Territories has by far the largest area?
  17. Which island is famous as the place of Napoleon Bonaparte's exile and death?
  18. Can you name the two largest territories by population?
  19. What is the capital of Bermuda?
  20. Which group of four volcanic islands in the southern Pacific Ocean are the sole British Overseas Territory in the Pacific Ocean?


  1. Anguilla
  2. Falkland Islands
  3. Montserrat
  4. The Turks and Caicos Islands
  5. Bermuda
  6. South Georgia
  7. Cayman Islands
  8. The Pitcairn Islands
  9. St Helena
  10. Tristan da Cunha
  11. Gibraltar
  12. Indian Ocean
  13. Cyprus
  14. Ascension Island
  15. British Virgin Islands
  16. British Antarctic Territory
  17. Saint Helena
  18. Cayman Islands and Bermuda
  19. Hamilton
  20. The Pitcairn Islands