The Best Free Quiz Website

The quizzes on this website are free but only for non-commercial purposes such as local pub quizzes. Please do not republish on other quiz or media websites. We appreciate your co-operation. Many thanks.

If you’re seeking free questions for your quiz you have come to the right website. At Free Pub Quiz we love writing original quiz questions that challenge, entertain and inspire our visitors. Our questions are free to use in pub quizzes, care home quizzes, charity events and even quizzes on cruise ships… writing quiz questions is a time consuming business, we’re happy to help and contribute in making your event a quizzing success.

This website has now been up and running since 2013 and in the past ten years we’re written thousands of free questions. Categories include general knowledge, music, sport, picture rounds and many weird and wonderful specialist subjects. New quizzes can be found on our New Quizzes page. Recently added include Australian Animals, Idioms and French Cities. And it’s the summer season, so Glastonbury, Festivals and Seaside Towns have also found their way onto our site.

The pub quiz was established in the UK in the 1970s and became part of British culture. There are thousands of quizzes taking place every week in the UK, and indeed throughout the world. We’re happy for our quizzes to be used by quizmasters and compilers in a typical pub quiz, quiz night or bar trivia setting but we do ask that they are not republished online or for ANY profit-making endeavours, including books, e-books and websites.

We add quizzes regularly, and unlike other quiz websites we believe an easy question is a wasted one (unless you're on our 'easy quiz page' that is!) We put a lot of effort into each category to try and make every set of questions interesting. Our quizzes are free and if you want to do us a big favour we would appreciate any mentions on social media sites, etc. and you may support us on our ‘Buy Us A Coffee’ page if you wish, but that’s never expected or necessary.

Although we are a UK quiz website, we are receiving visits from every country in the world in 2023. I'm not sure if our visitors from North Korea, Turkmenistan or Benin will be interested in our Eastenders quiz but obviously many questions transcend international boundaries. Thank you for your support and we hope you will revisit our free website.

Happy Quizzing!
